i’m booked in at spa lodge. it looks ok. don’t have much time to blog.

will do some more later

hmm. the rockcliming thing is closed today and the spa thing hasn’t been built yet and the mountainbourding? i can’t be bothered. all in all taupo is a bit of a wash out. i think i might cut my losses and go for a walk someplace. if i look at it sideways i’m earning money by not doing a skydive, right? good i thought so as well. i think i shall start the long walk back to the hostel after booking my passage out of here.


looking at things squarely.

as tyler brock would say “a pox on thee and your house”

i’m having sirious second thoughts to skydiving. the other activities here look more fun. such as indoor rock climbing, hot spa pools, and turf surfing: were you ride a skatebourd device with large weels down a slope. looks fun. i shall look into such matters.

it is in the booklet, called sunset lodge, and it cleverly doesn’t mention the distance from town facter. i think a swift trip to rotarua is in order, then i probably have to go back to aukland to get my flight.

the die is cast(or jiggled around in a pocket for a bit then tentertavly removed for perusal, so as not to alert members of the public to you insanity by rolling dice on the pavement.)


i love the way thet the spellcheck does not infact work, even a little bit.

hell. i don’t know whats wrong with fsmail but it is really begining to annoy me. it refuses to let me see my e-mails. of all the times it could do this today is the worst. bugger.

nice to see you have both gone insane.
speaking of diceman, i went through a stage in queenstown when everyy decision i took i utilised my dice. iether i whrote down six options or i used it as 1-3=no 4-6=yes and asked the dice questions. eg. is it a good plan to go down this road? as you can imagine getting around was quite time consuming, having to stop every so often and look for a flat surface.

i am in taupo. in a hostel nicly situated two maybe two and a half days walk from the town. insane. this is the last time i let a minion at an I site choose a place for me. bus drive=long/tedious. bus driver=identical to the docter from startrek voyager, only more irritating. taupo seems nice though. will check out stuff to do tonight.

SMB jr was 25 pounds i believe. not bad. yah bali should be cheap. the game is fun. very, arrgh i have died i must have another go, sort of gameplay.