wak! tennis raquets? what madness is this?
i have reason to suspect that livs excuse for not attending the most exciting denmans garden extravaganza, is entirely ficticous, and should be investigated promptly.

i have seen many a one ring, the silver one is quite cheap. but i want one without the writing. so i checked out some shops saw one that was the write shape for $20, but on closer inspection it was poorly made. i contented myself with bying a t-shirt which i now strongly suspect is a womans top as it only just reaches my belly button. hell. oh well i will give it to tan or a random girl here or possible stretch it, as it is a cool t-shirt.

not sure what to do…i think i would not mind heading down to toupo (which is about a million miles from kerikeri as the crow flies) as it has the cheapest skydive in the land. also i said i would meet someone there, thinking for some crazy reason that it was right close to kerikeri. meh. i’ll see. just realised the flight is the day after tomorrow at 9.20am curses. i had planned to stay in nelson for a bit.

command and destroy(classic name)looks quite nifty, but i think the next advance wars will be better. should have got SMB jr when i had the chance. i tried it out in a shop on a the new GBA, very cool.
coo! my bus leaves soon got to go
