leave it black you say? to coin a frase: BWHAHAHAHA!!!
the ring i took from tans jewel box (the one with the black stone) is continualy tarnished by the hellish stinking air, but i am able to polish it clean. the ankh on the other hand just becomes a shinier black when i try and clean it, like obsidian. strange. i think buying silver pollish will be just as expencive as buying washing soda and foil. so i shall think upon it.

yesterday we got a mesage from one of the many people we phoned about purchasing there cars to meet u to check it out. it was very nice, a station wagon perfect for putting a mattrase in an no sign of rust, good tires/oil/radiater. blah blah. in a word perfect for only $800. after uming arhing annika decided to get it so we went to the post office to sort out the forms together. unfortunatly annika had to leg it back to the hostel to get here adress book to filn in the form propaly. the woman selling was getting twitchy as here bus left soon and she had to book it and ring up a friend about picking here up in auckland. i suggested that she ring up while annika was away. so she did. her friend and i waited and tried to think of stuff to say to each other. eventualy i saw annika in the distance and i becond her over, the friend wandered over to were the woman was talking on the phone. annika quickly completed the form, i gave a thumbs up to were the woman and her friend were talking, looking a bit worried i thought. they came over. we waved the form around, she looked rather sheepish. “i feel bad about this” she said. “what” we said? she explained that she had phoned her friend and she had stated that someone wanted here car in auckland for $1000. so she would sell it to him not us. aaaaaaagh!!!! i couldn’t believe it and annika was furious. so close yet so far. oh well verbal contracts, not worth the paper they are not printed on. god rot her, and her pox ridden car. the moral of this story is don’t let you ankh go black as night, becouse it will twist your luck and those in your close proximity for better or worse.

i will go and change the flight now. i will tell you what i have aranged tarn. plan A i believe.


wow! i want that bed! i like the floor space a lot.

i think i will do plan A or C depending on how close i am to auckland. and i can always do plan E when i like. as to avalablility, i have the flight to bali already booked don’t i so it should not be a problem.
we spent a healthgiving four hours in the hot spa place yesterday, lurching from one hot pool to a slightly hotter one and so forth. most relaxing. but disterbingly as i left the place my heart seemed to take an odd turn. it was as if i had injected four pints of adreneline into it then competed in a triathelon. my heart rate was about 155 bpm or so. it felt very odd strolling down the street, breathing normaly and my chest pounding as my heart went hell for leather. mildly worried as i had fogoten to take my silver ankh off and ofcourse it had turned dark black by the sulfer, and of course this was a bad omen as the ankh is my source of power. oh well i seem to be alright now. though my ankh refuses to polish…

unfortunatly i haven’t done anything insanly dangerous latly so i cannot regail you.


well all the stuff about touranga is academic now as we have left! we were going to stay around for a while and chack out mt monganui but then we made a sudden biumverate executive decision and took the bus to rotorua. it still stinks here, since my last visit. and the chicken was frankly crap. we are now going to check out the hot spa place for a few hours. aaahhh.

liv: i saw the matrix last night and thought it was rather good. a tad disapointed about the end but exelent stuff all round. i like the way they avoided using guns as the first film had already done that to death. and the way the story has turned. and wack neo is the coolest person EVER!!! wow. the power!

well your plan sounds about right dod. i will change the 18th flight when i get to toupo, then sort it out in my head. maybe there is something to check out near singapore?

my twitching eye connot be a salt deficiency as i have cansumed a vast amount in the last few weeks. it must have been the two megalattes i had in kerikeri. dangerous stuff coffee.


well thames is a bit of a pest hole, by god! we were going to go for a jolly walk in the nearby mountain but we descoved that the bus from the hostel, which we had asumed was free turned out to be $25! a pox on this place. so we messed about for a day and are leaving for touranga tomorrow. we were very close to getting the van in whitianga, but the gods were against us so we didn’t. no luck on finding a cheap car for sale in thames so far.
tan+geoff: as to me and newzealand what say you, to this weeze. i get my flight to bankok on the 1st or somthing wnder around for a few days then get my flight to singapore to meet you on the sixth. this is an idea.
dod+mama i will give you a number to ring tomorrow when i get to touranga tomorrow. i don’t think we will go to the silver birch place as it looks about 3 km out of town. i will just have to remember how classy it was. that is indeed what the van looked like unfortunatly we decided not to get it. we rolled the dice and lo, it decided. also after taking it on a test drive it smelled a bit burnt! we will look into the wwoofing angle, don’t worry. you may find buying a car fun dod, we on the other hand find it a miote stresfull. constantly having to make decisions and stuff, its coursing my left eye, which hasn’t been the same since auckland when i stayed in the satanic backpacker known as “ACB”, to twitch like crazy. very annoying. aspecialy when annika looks at me questioningly and and says. “julio, why is your eye twitching?” ofcourse it wasn’t, but it starts as soon as she says this. aaaahg! she finds this funny. i think sleep is the answer.

liv yes indeed it was johanes of the “helm”. what in god’s name is “spooks”?


hail minions!

back in whitianga after a jolly two day jount to tairua and back. we had planned to go to thames a place many weels away by hitch hiking but only managed to get a quarter of the way before it became dark. i know i said i would rather barbique my own leg and eat them, than do hitch hiking again but there was no bus on that day and annika stated that it was vital that we went on that day, so there we are. we had fun, by “fun” i mean we waited for hours on the side of the road, me complaining constantly, and annika smiling in amusement. nayway a nice time was had by all. before we left annika was to buy a car, but that fell through ‘cos the car was a bit crap and the guy selling it was dangerously strange and sexist and his eyes watered all the time! so now a fresh van is to be bought for $750, it looks cool, and has room for a matrass in the back so one could sleep in it if one desired, thus saving much mulah. just met johanese again at the hostel here. you might recall him from my earlier text. ’tis a small world.

tan: due to circumstances beyond my control i might have to stay on for a while longer than the 18th. is this ok? i would indeed very much like a throwing star! i will fix a bit of wood to my wall and learn to throw it like a real ninja!!! wow!

dod+mama: i say! that wood thingy around the bench looks rather snazzy! top hole. will try to send granny a postcard as soon as possible.


hail, dod. can you transfer some cash unto my e-savings from the old halifax? funds arte a bit low. jolly good thanks.

hitchiking to thames tomorrow! fun.
