hey, this was fresh icemelt from a glacier! hughy said said it was good to drink, so i did. crisp and plesant. if i recall glacial milk makes you live to 300 years of age. bonus.

hmm stunt racer. a bit crap was it not?

decided to stay in christ church another day, for no more reason than i couldm’t be bothered to sort bookings and stuff yesterday.

for some reason i’ve just payed for 2 and a half hours online time($5) so maybe i’ll play a game online.

yeah i think i shall get one when i finnish noble house and my other many books. just got to two fresh ones from a second hand book store.the last in the series by cris clearmont and goege lucas, thorn drumheler(willow) and co. if i remember correctly they were a bit crap, but needs must as the devil drives…that is to say, it might be alright. i like this blog, quite nifty.

right, as i was saying. we met these guys and were picked up buy a very small bus a few minutes later. we omly just managed to wedge ourselves in. the bloke in charge who was called bob, had alreaddy picked up a girl from kiwi expreariance. she was very nice, from holland and called lydia. we made some stops along the way, first to a supermarket to pick up suplies, and then to a liquer store to pick up assentual suplies. i forced myself to get a six pack of speights. and lo, unto the place we went. it was quite a nice cabin thing in the middle of noware, it sleped around forty i believe. we ate some food, played shithead, drunk beer and got to know each other well into the evening. the next morning i decided, evan though i wasn’t hungry that i would have breakfast as i thought it might be a long day. foodstuffs was supplied as part of the price, cornflakes and toast and stuff. after playing cards for a bit, lunch was anounced. at ten thirty! fearly soon after we had choked this down we strapped on some wetsuits, helms and stuff and headed off for the river. we took some pictures then got int the dingy to start our basic training. this involving us leaning some basic comands and to paddle well. it would be a lie to state that we worked together like a well oiled machine, but we were not to bad. the first section was fearly flat then we came to some grade 3 rapids. this is the way it works: hughy (our guide) yells forward and we paddle like crazy, then he yells stop, we stop paddles poised. it starts to get very choppy. left back! LEFT BACK! the left side go into a pack paddling frenzy while the right side forward paddle, and we rotate very quickly. there are waves all over the place and through the spray i can see the accasional jaggeed rock. suddenly hughy shreaks LEAN IN! and we do so with much speed. the raft dives into some sort of trench, then lounches us flying in the air, spray flying. suddenly there is confusion and pannic the rafts is a mass of writhing bodies, a oar connects with my helm quite hard. this large guy to my right has fallen in. hughy tries to grabb him but fails, and he bobs away down stream. FORWARD! HARD! we do so, chasing after the man overbourd as he goes down for the third time. suddenly he is right in front of us and hughy is shreaking for us to backpaddle. we try but it is to late. he scrabbled at the front of the boat as we ran him over. a few momants past then he poped up on our right, someone lent over and grabbed him and we extracted him from the water. a bit more of frantic peddling and we are in the clear. we sail to a inlet to pause for a bit and have a look at the next section which was grade five. the bloke who fell in declined to acompany us after seeing it. the next sections were fairly simmilar just a lot harder and more fun. at one point we stopped the raft and all leapt into the raging torrant, drifting down stream enjoying the intence cold. it was like leaping into the climping beach with geoff only colder. at another point we stoped of so that we could leap of a 11 metre high cliff. very scary but i did it twice to make up for the fact that i hadn’t done a bungy jump earlier. after the rafting we had a jolly barby collected our stuff and left. i had mislaid my foodbag, which was quite irritating as not only did it have all my cooking stuff, but a really nice bowl i got for abel taxman. about thirty minutes after we set of i remembered were it was along with the realisation that i had left my highly expensive swimming trunks and a really cool towel i had purchased in duneden. i willed away my negertive thoughts and contemplated infinaty. i was the last to be dropped of and as the person before me was dropped of at the yha the bus driver turned around and gave me an odd look. “you have friend at this camping place?” he enquired. “err…no?” i replied. “well are you sure you want to go there? it’s twenty minutes out of town. and there are no shops or anything” hells biscu! that would mean i would have to get a taxi into town to get food or blog. and also i had said i would meet some friends from the rafting at a pub. the driver advised i cut my losses and stay at the yha. i agreed, but what price the fully bookedness of christchurch? well it seemes that was a lie, there was a spare dorm room, and i forked over some more dollors, curseing my bad joss(luck/god/devil) and the loss of $40 to the camping place. i had a fun evening though, i was very, very drunk.

i’ll send pictures later.
see you


still in christchurch

i feel most unwell. had quite a plesant lunchings, but but my stomac isn’t at its best. i was stumbling around town earlier when it suddenly occured to me that the flight was in fact only a few days away. i flipped through my calander, and made one of my selebrated random instant decisions. no dice involved. i decided to rescedual to the 10th. that would give me time to relax. it took me several years to find the airnewzealand place, and i walked around christchurch(which is massive) getting lost.

right. were to start…the day i was in duneden i spent the day charging around buying random t-shirts and getting annoyed. i decided quite late in the day to go to christchurch, so i legged it to the i site to get some accomidation there for the day after my rafting trip. on the way i was accosted by this christian chap who had decided that i needed converting. i made the error of communicating to him. the conversation is a blur but i managed to escape after nattering for almost 30 minutes. by which time the i-site was closed. so the next day i leapt on the bus hoping that we would stop of for a break at a town with an i site.(it is very irritating to have to always go to one of these places to book accomidation.) we did stop as it turned out, and i asked a minion to get me some place to stay. this lackwit rung one place then stated catagoricaly that everywere was booked up in the town. she said the only place to go was a camping place. i gritted my teeth and parced across 40 of the crispest for the privalidge. sorted i thought. the bus dropped me and a couple of others of on the side of a random road, were a load of others from stray buses were waiting. they were two english guys called steve and james and an irish guy called phill. very cool people. oooh stomac twinge. i think i will continue this tomorrow. i feel ill, and this computer isn’t making me better. i thyink i will stay in christchurch for one more day. then go to kaykora(sp) for dolphin swimming. i’ll blog later tonight if possible.

church of christ.

what in the name of cain is this? gacktar! not something to spring on a chap with a morning head. is this now the blog? if yay, why does it not say the travles of solid and carrote at the top? snackus on a stick, i can bairly see the screen. i don’t know what i was drinking last night, but it was enough to fell a small horse. i have to type with one hand the othwer is holding my head. yesterday was one hell of a interesting day. hmm just logged on to fsmail ten fresh messages, and not one from any of the countless people i have given my e-mail to here. hmm. anyway thanks for the mails and stuff. i could reply to them propally but at the momant i can’t be bothered. i feel i havent slept for a year, i think i need to chill out some place for a while, just recently i have been totally off balance. charging about the place is a bit stressfull. blimey its one o’ clock! i was going to write about my epic misadventure yesterday, but i think i will go and have lunch first. maybe i’ll sit in the park and have a bit of a read and a draw also. noble house is veery interesting. i’ll probably bring it to tailand goeff. that is if i don’t by fifteen other books while i’m here. i was quite close to getting a few books by sherri s. tepper. maybe you can check some reviews for me liv. incedentally have you been taping the next series of 24 as it was on tv when i left.

my mouth, so dry! i need water, fast. before i look like jim carrey in me, myself and irene. i really must sign of now, i’m close to falling asleep at the keybourd. but wait i still have 8 minutes left before they charge me more money. hmm. dod- not sure about kerikeri yet. i still have to get back to nelson. and im not sure i will get there in time for the flight. when do i need to reconfirm/change the flight dates? ack got to go i will blog later.

woohoo, i just bought a docter strange comic! along with a couple of others from an antique shop pf all places for $5.
hmm checked fsmail. most confusing i get an email from mama from dods adress, then an email from dod from mamas adress. insane. thanks for the mail mama.

livsters gone back to normal now. bizare. just spent a vast amount of time looking for a place to eat, bit of a strain, this eating business. might give it a miss for a while. i think i might check my money situation, i ran out of cash the day before yesterday and had to transfer some more in. it has to be said this jolly trip to newzealand is turning out be quite pricey. maybe i should go to tailand a few weeks early or something.

pip pip.


the hell? did i not explain a million times? THE DEAL ENDS 1ST OF APRIL!!!!! hell on a stick. i asked dod to get it on the 28th or something and stated that it would be in short supply. whats wrong with you people? have you no minds? nnnnnng!

in related news. why, by the beard of stangoth, is livster.net somehow turned into erayner.com? answer that if you will.

so who sent me the email i wander. such mysteries to confound a mentalist.

still in duneden. not sure when to go. need to look into this white water rafting thing. also swimming with dolphins. for some strange reason i feel the need to buy t shirts, a onering lookalike in silver and more books. i need to get out of this town. went to the art gallery yesterday with an english guy called john. it was odd to say the least. one exebition had a massive my little poney. another video screens inbeded in rocks. i don’t no why i went really.

reading noble house. rather good.