
mama, i got some multivitamins. in a fit of madness i got them from some organic shop, they smell slightly odd and are the size of a five pence piece!
you did mention the hole in the ozone layer to me a couple of times. as soon as my skin turns a healthy orange i’ll be fine.
when is the card likely to arrive?
no sailing courses, but plenty of kyaking action to be had.

bourt far to much food for the trip. oh well. also got a sturdy spoon.(a mcflurry spoon) and a source pan witch double as a bowl, pretty much all set to go.

reading tai pan, it be damme good. gods blood i say!

right i’m of to see the ring


hail and unto the people.

in answer to your many e-mails on the subject, i don’t do capital letters.

dod how come you and mama are not on some nice biking tour of ireland or something?

i’ll write a bit of the tale at some point. after i have had my full quota of relaxation per day i have remakably little spare time!
jpmorgan sound rather jolly, possibly you have to join the free masons to be aload to work there.
i havn’t seen road trip but i shall put it on my library list. i might go and see the ring tonight, there is a cinema very close by!
i forgot to ware my hat the other day and i burnt like a crisp, so i wear it always now. it hasn’t leaked as yet, but this may have somthing to do with the fact that it has not yet rained.

day ? well i decided on a wim to go to abel tazman national park and do the fabled abel tazman trek. it will take me about 3-4 days to walk the length. the minions at the info centre here are most helpfull. they basicaly organize/book everything for you. i’ve hired a small stove and and i’m heading to the supermarket to get supplies. i am very annoyed that i forgot my knife. i might have to buy another here. also my spoon/fork/knife combo is rediculously inadiquate(sp) i might as well eat my pasta mulch with a toothpick. i might be able to pick up some plastic utensels. so i won’t be able to blog for a few days. feel free to text. though i don’t know if the cabins i am sleeping at have electricity.

right bye then i might blog later tonight if i can be bothered!


hail minions!

buoght a fresh adapter at said dick smith a few days ago. totaly diferent prongs to my tacky boots one. i wil give it to tarn when i see her. (day 3)did a bit more ringing of fruit picking places today(friday). no one wants us for only a month. we are considering lieing and saying that are avalable for the entire season then quit claiming the work is to hard. i’m not too bothered but the german guy is a bit low on money. as i write (this is from my note pad) i am sitting on a hill in the centre of town, packed with trees(nelson is nown as the city of trees) and a massive church at the top. very picturesk(sp) just had lunch. mcdonalds! very tasty. oddly enough i could find no other take away.
met a girl at the hostel who confirmed that the only way was to lie. she had just come from motueka and had done fruit picking for a week. she said that it was pretty hellish, much strain on limbs. the guy shairing the dorm with me the german guy (johanes) and his pal an american called stuart, said he was going to motouka and could take us there. he was also german and called alex. so johanes and i decided we to phone one last guy tomarrow and if he said no then go to motouka.

day 4? the guy we called was called john morris, but we called him jim morrison becourse that is how johanes read it. he said that he had need of fruit pickers and that we should drop in. johanes got the directions witch was probably a mistake as they proved to be wrong. after enquiring how to get to the place at the help desk of the hostel, the woman in charge rang back and got us a fresh adress. we noted it down on a map. the place was in richmond, witch was on the way to motouka. so we packed our stuff and l;eaped into axel’s car. car was pretty old and it had classy red velvet upholstery. axel was like somone from fear and loathing in las vagas. he drove with one hand at the bottom of the weel smoked like a chimny and seemed to have only a passing interest in the road/pedestrians/trafic. we headed for richmond. things started to go wrong fairly quickly. i had lost myself in a bit of contemplation as the other two were talking in german.but after a while in noticed that johanes could not read a map very well as we seemed to be getting lost on the way to richmond even though it is clearly signposted. as it happens alex did not speak much in the way of english so it would have been pointless for me to take over as map reader. entualy we had to stop in a layby and alex looked at the map. he said something in german to johanes, they both laughed and we sailed away back on course. the instructions we recived stated that we had to folloew the main road and turn of when we saw a big ice cream sign. we headed down the raod for miles but there was no sign to be seen. eventualy the road turned into a undulating dirt track filled with potholes. dust was every were, it flew of the road in great billows, flowing upwards then down in through the open sun roof. in a few momants it was imposible to breath. i had to breath through my shirt, alex seemed unafected. we decided we had gone to far. we also decided to ask directions. we drove to a farm house up a hill. johanes leaped out and asked a person leaning through a window from the outside. maybe reseaving some instruction from this person who did not move an inch, and could have been dead for all i know, johanes went to the front of the house were a guy in a soiled blue vest and wild hair had apeared. after a bit johanes called for me, and i went up there. now i don’t know what the guy had been smoking but as alex remarked later, he (alex) would have liked to have some of it! the guy was iether drugged to the eyeballs or drunk, maybe both, and it seamed johanes was having trouble understanding him. i wasn’t supprised. as far as i could tell it wasn’t english. svesh marr? he gibbered patting his fettid shorts and miming using a pen. we supplied him with one and some paper. grasping the pen in his fist he slowly drew a painstaking map with annotations in an ilaberate cypher. garth erogh! he anounced jabbing the pen at an ilegible word near a squiggle. we all nodded sagely and smiled in a non threatning manner. after thanking him we practicaly ran back the car and i could haer a voice shreaking-go go go!-in my head, as we flung ourselve into it and sped away. after that we drove around aimlesly for a bit curseing jim morrison and his ice cream cones, then decided to go back to richmond. on the way back we spotted a sign, it said apple pickers wanted! alex skided to a halt made a quick U turn and drove at breakneck speed for the farm.
the farmer was away, but his wife talked to us. she asked us if we could work the entire season, johanese went red and mumbled. i blathered somthing about it being quite possible. we basicaly got the job. she said ring when you get accomidation. we whent back to alex and he offered to take us to the nearby moterhome. he ended up taking us to about five and the information centre twice. every were was full. we might possible be aloud to have a bit of ground to sleep on if we had a tent. we didn’t. we finaly let alex go on to motouka after thanking him profusly. he was most generous often waiting for hours wile were made inquirys. no worries it is my holiday my freind. he would say often. so we walked into richmond. johanes had the idea that we could buy a tent and a couple of bycycles and all would be well. i was not perticualy keen on the plan at this point. the idea of going back to the hostel in nelson was becoming more and more atractive. need i mention that it was hellishly hot and by rucksack was gripping my shoulders like a vice. we walked for what seemed like a year to get to richmond. we went to a bike shop. yes we could get cheap bikes for $50 but of course you have to buy a helmet $60 said the bikeman fixing us with a malicous eye. #^%@ the helm. who need a helm? johanes kept repeating as we left the shop. we went to the secon hand shop were a tent might be bought. it was closed. so was every other shop, it seemed that the shops close at 12.30 on saturday. the only shop open that would sell tents was a place called warehouse in nelson. arrrg! said johanese. so we went to nelson. we walked for an age from the bus station to the warehouse. the tents were sold out. sh*t said johanes many times. we sat down in the camping aisle and discussed what to do. i decided i had had up to the neck to day and way going back to the hostle and that i never wanted to pick apples anyway. johanes decided to hitch a ride to motouka as he couldnt face spending more money at the hostel. we parted in a flurry of photos and e-mails and went our seperate ways.

blimey this is costing me an ingot of gold!!! better go nothing much has happend today (day5) bourt some crisps, not bad. i think i may do the oba tasman trek at some point very recomended. got to go


Day 1(yesterday)
well the journey was what may be described as a living hell. me and my fellow sufferers tiwtched away in our cramped torture chairs, unable to strech or recline as cackling morons fed and water us periodicaly, with what i can only asume was stale urine, blocks of sani-meat and partialy chewed grass/pond scum witch had been warmed by someones armpit. gack! when we had that spinich for the second time i was close to retching, but i choked it down nowing i needed my strength i i was to escape. to prevent my limbs from atrofying i preactised the prana bindu techniques and chanted the littany against fear to get me throuigh some of the worst films of my life. horry potter was i think the best out of the selection, but evan that made me want to eat my own eyes. the appaling films were backed up by a screen just slightly smaller than my gameboy screen. i’m not joking it really was.

any way nelson seems nice at first glance, lots of trees and plesantly hot. explored the town(plenty of shops) ate a vile pasty (bse wridden) and choked down a coke witch some lackwit had added vanilla to renerding it undrinkable. entualy after hours of searching i found a supermarket and got some french bread and a block af cheese and some apples for supper. forgot to get butter, oh well who needs it. might nip in later to get some vegemite for brekist later anyways.
the hostel is a short walk from the town centre and is most plessent. the noise of thse cricket things (cikadas?) is non stop and very load. a bit hellish when one whants a bit of shut eye! the other inmates of this place seem nice- havent talked to them much. might go for a jolly old walk up the hills tomorrow. see you anon

Day 2 (today)

gahh? this german (my room mate) seems keen to do a bit of fruit picking, so we have joined forces to find some work. strangley there seems to be none around-something about a slow apple harvest. called about a million people no work. oh well all flesh is as grass. i’m not to bothered.

I hate word baloons. time consuming and pointless! hell, i say! anyways i finished the comic today and dod bought the ticket! woohoo i’m one step closer to NZ!

yeah i’m going. i drew a comic the day before yesterday, it just needs coulouring in. i’m in th middle of drawing the “lips” comic. gah! nothing of much interest has happened to day, i’ll post later.