hmm interesting uk and vietnam polls. the newzealand fruitpicking polls are at an all time low.
it seems the plan is that the dudes at aranga holiday park have some sort of deal with fruit pickers. they can give you a lift to the orchards and stuff. and the farms basicaly lie to the backpackers saying that there is work when there isn’t so that they stay at the holiday park for longer.

i don’t know were you got this “”Most people earn over $90 per day and some earn double this.” That’s £30-£60.” rubbish, i would not believe a word of it. this horse you speak of sounds suspicously like an orchards spokesminion to me. no doubt it is possible to get $90, on a good day, with a prevailing wind and you have already worked there for 8 weeks so you know what you are doing and you have muscles like steel bands. the guy i talked to stated you get around a quid per bin of fruit. he did fifteen bins. you get paid by the bin, but also you get your wage docked if you pick crappy fruit. so you can’t go too fast.
on top of it all i really don’t like this holiday park. it is far too big, the kitchen is rubbish as are the utensils, there is no washing up liquid to use, you have to provide you own…and the dorms are pretty crappy also. i wandered down to the river last night to read my book, but i was driven of by the waves of of sandflies. i killed them in droves but they kept on coming. i must have got 20 bites or somthing. and i woke up this morning to descover rows of bites on my face on neck. the hell? gaddamn bed bugs! jeepers. its enough to drive a chap to the brink. incedentaly it is cold and wet, so much for sunny north island. actually thats a lie, it is muggy, humid and wet. incedentaly you have to wear a boiler suit or something if you don’t want to be killed by the sandflys. one of the guys in my dorm forgot to wear socks and his ankles were ripped to shreds. one solid mass of bites.

i mean to say, what?

i’ll have a t-shirt please tan, in green. that small girls t-shirt i got has a simmilar design but with a red star.

to tell you the truth i am about fed with newzealand and its money consuming ways. the sooner i quit this place the better.

mayhaps i shall ring tonight. 7.00ish?

the die awaits to be cast.


aha! good old seiken densetsu that was an epic game.

not emily at all really, the kiwi girls name was amanda. gods curse my demented memory. i took the bus to auckland and managed to locate a backpackers that was evan further from the town centre than the last one. insane. quite a neat place, villa type with resident nutter. consumed some fresh fish and chips-you actualy see the slabs of fresh fish getting dipped in batter and whatnot- which was nice then slumped in front of the tv all evening. me and a canadian guy called ryden ridiculing such classic programs as “american idol”(pop idol) and joe millionare. quite terrible. an american guy potted in and asked to see the news at some point, so we reluctantly switched over. rydan happened to mention something about the insanity of the war to me. this seemed to excite the american guy no end. he went bright red and fixing us with the gleaming eye of a fanatic he lounched into speech about the dastadly anti-americanism and the benerfits of the war. he had obvously said it before in many diferent hostels. we gave as good as we got utilising basic comman sense and his contradictions against him. but he stonewalled us the line the we couldn’t have an oppinion becouse we “never watched the news or read the papers. ever.” he gleaned this infomation from the fact that we were reluctant to watch the news earlier. “i meet loads of morons-” he yelled gesturing at us and frothing slightly. “-who don’t know the first godamn thing about war, but they’ve all got damn oppinions.” we pointed out that just becourse our oppinions differed from his didn’t make them anyless valid. and yes, we do watch the news and read the papers. and could you explain what the actual purpose of the war was, seeing as they have not killed saddam, found any weopons of mass destruction or any evidence that links iraq to the terrorist atacks against america. he answered this by telling us that france and russia should be punnished for there lack of support in the war and that british support was asentually pointless etc. and so the long night wore on.
today i got the plane and arrive i kerikeri. i went to the aranga holiday park as advized but it seemed that all the single rooms had been taken. crud! i got a dorm room for a couple of nights while i thought about things. talked to a guy in my dorm who said that the kiwi harvest is on hold becouse it has been rainng nonstop and kiwis need four days of continues sun to ripen. he has been doing tangerine picking in which he makes 15 pounds a day. it is apparently mind numbing work. they want you to work for 8 weeks he stated. it all seems a bit dicey to me. if i made my flight to tailand soon i wouold be saving an ingot of gold and thus efectivly makeing the same amount of money but for no actual toil! bonus. also i had better go before the sars virus gets any worse and they ban flying.

oh well, the die is cast.


robert ludlum you say. never heard of him. probably terible.
rest assured i shall consume a choclaty egg shaped sweatmeat at some point.

the person driving us back in to town stated with relish that some one had got a foot in the goolies once which can’t have been plesent, another time she opened the zorb to find some guy desperatly trying to put his shorts back on after they had been ripped of by the movement of the zorb. how she loughed. the shorts in question were made of some sort of favlon and had no elastication whatsoever. luckily mine had a drawstring, the other guys ones didn’t hahahaha!

getting the bus soon back to auckland. fun.

the die is cast.


crazy cool

the zorbing was truly epic! i met an english guy called oddly enough “guy” and an irish dude called kiren on the bus there.when we arrived we descovered that it would be cheaper if we all went down in the same zorb, so we did. the zorb itself is pretty massive 10 foot high maybe. witha six foot inner core which you slither into via a small hatchlike thing. it was quite cramped when we all got in, the guy in charge chucked a couple of gallons of water in with us and sealed the hatch. he yelled for us to move forward so we did, there was a moment of stillness then the world went crazy. the zorb we had was cloady so you couldm’t see out at all, it was impossible to get your bairings. at the start we tried to stay upright but it was impossible. in a few seconds it degenerated intoa mass of sliding limbs and rushing water. it seemjed to go in a rondom directions one momant you were slipping along the bottom in the bilgewater the next you are flying along the back the movement of the ball almost keeping you upright. it seemed to last a long time, and was absolutly hilarious. great fun.

i here tell that you can get around tailand for a month or so for three shiny american dollors so i’n not to worried. but rest assured if i do get low on cash i’ll be going for the lepresy angle as the best cash earner. don’t worry about noble house i will be bringing it with me, and for a nominal fee i might let you read it! bwahahahaha!
going to auckland tomorrow, to get my flight to fruit picking land.

the die is cast.

julio out

aha! i have just booked zorbing. the one known as the wash cycle. apparently you are put in the zorb with a load of water and you slipslide down the hill trieing to stay running. good reports of this. $40=14 quid. not that bad but it probably lasts about 2 seconds. wahoo! rotorua continues to stink to high heavan. they really should sort the plumbing out or something. stayed up to 3 in the morning playing shit head with a kiwi girl called i think, emely. i could be wrong. and a german guy called michel. the reason i name all these people i met is it helps me remember there names. i usally forget the instant they tell me wich is very annoying. its just like in memento.

the free spa is comparible in size to a lunch box.

the die is cast…directly into someones face! it ricochets of the nose and lands on a six. bonus!


julio out.

well i’m in rotorua. it stinks. not sure what to do tomorrow. chill out maybe. zorbing looks fun though. hostel is nice for a change. lalala, not much to say really.
i’ll blog to morrow.

the die is cast…TO THE WIND AHAHAHA…hmm