cheap at thrice the price!

the places i go to rarly have cd caperbility, let alone image manipulation. i think i can get them to burn me a fresh cd. we shall see.

well all flesh is as grass on the kerikeri front.

arrived in auckland a while back, bit of a hellbane of a city. reminds me of london, too many people all charging about like loons. most suprised that i have to catch a bus to go anywere and get to my hostel which is about four miles from the city center as the crow flies. of course a bus dousn’t flie so it takes the long route. flight from nelson was ok, just too short to actualy start doing anything such as read a book and just long enough to be very boring. it must take skill to plan it like that. went to an I site and made arangements for toupo handing over great wadges of bills, i go hither on the morrow. spent most of the afternoon looking for a shop which will sell me SMB jr. no game shops anywere! had to ask about five diferent computer store owners, each giving me contradictory directions, eventualy tracked down an EB and purchased it. it know resides in the bag by my feeet, crisp and fresh, waiting to be played.
i shall blog tomorrow.

seeing as tan has taken my frase, i shall take hers.

we shall see, what we see, when we see it.



well, i took an executive decision and rescedualed my flight out of auckland to kerikeri to the 16th. this will allow me to do a bit of the north island before going to this insanly far away place known as kerikeri. so when i have gone to toupo and rotorua i’ll head back to ouckland and stay in kerikeri till i got to tailand. sorted. i think i have the hang of this decision making malarky. basicaly i do what i like and hang the consecences.

liv: my initial responce to you photos was: MY EYES! THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING! then i saw the ones with me in it and i calmed down.

finaly got to a place with cd capability so i am sendiong mine.

beard of satan! i can’t seem to upload my pictures. it seems they far too big. some of them are very good. shall i send the cd?

in nelson, it feels like coming home. it is such a nice place. i would not mind living here.
met yuma again at tazman backpackers. i forgot that he is working there to pay for his lodging and has been here for some time. i’ll ring tonight i think at seven if thats alright.
right im of to purchase some swimming trunks. the same ones i bought last time, from the same shop as last time. hells biscu i say!

wak! tennis raquets? what madness is this?
i have reason to suspect that livs excuse for not attending the most exciting denmans garden extravaganza, is entirely ficticous, and should be investigated promptly.

i have seen many a one ring, the silver one is quite cheap. but i want one without the writing. so i checked out some shops saw one that was the write shape for $20, but on closer inspection it was poorly made. i contented myself with bying a t-shirt which i now strongly suspect is a womans top as it only just reaches my belly button. hell. oh well i will give it to tan or a random girl here or possible stretch it, as it is a cool t-shirt.

not sure what to do…i think i would not mind heading down to toupo (which is about a million miles from kerikeri as the crow flies) as it has the cheapest skydive in the land. also i said i would meet someone there, thinking for some crazy reason that it was right close to kerikeri. meh. i’ll see. just realised the flight is the day after tomorrow at 9.20am curses. i had planned to stay in nelson for a bit.

command and destroy(classic name)looks quite nifty, but i think the next advance wars will be better. should have got SMB jr when i had the chance. i tried it out in a shop on a the new GBA, very cool.
coo! my bus leaves soon got to go


rakaroa is on the way to nelson from christchurch. bit of a scuzzy little town but i met a load of really cool people and we had a fun time. only 2 o’ clock this time, quite early really. there were five of us. oliver(german swiss, very funny/insane guy) ryan(american, cool) madilane (french swiss, nice) marite (french canadian, amazingly cool/nice) after monopoly we hotfooted it into town, went to a few pubs untill closing, then were just about to go back to the hostel, when lo! we heard music on the place was still open, we headed over. now imagine the most local yokel pub possible and insert a dance floor, that was what it was like. there were a few inbreeds winching there way around the dance floor. we sidled in, avouding eye contact and got ourselvse some drinks. one of the beers was called sheep shagger! i kid you not. anyways when the freaks were having a rest, we took the our chance to show them how it was done, leaping on to the floor the five of us going into some sort of dancing frenzy. this continured for about a couple of hours, sometimes a lokal would atempt to join in but they were clearly outclassed and wimpering slightly they would and sidle back to the touchlines. eventually the music stopped and they started to close up. with much cheering and gasping for breath we made a move. but we had only made it across the street when there was a great cry from the doorway of the pub, it seemed that they couldn’t get enough of us. the landlord had cranked the music back on. we said what the heck, and charged back in amidst aplouse and began dancing again. sureal but fun!

at the momant i am in picton for the night, as i couldn’t get the bus direct to nelson. it ok. just had the finest fish and chips i have ever tasted. flaversome blue cod, tasty salad and crisp chips. can’t say fairer than that! the rain has finaly stopped, thank borc. i was feeling slightly depressed becouse of the scanky weather which started in queenstown, but now my joss has returned! happy day.

SMB jr is for the GBA, looks good. read the eurogamer review. in the counterstrike i played you had to buy weapons, and there wasn’t enough for sniper rifles.

i’m not to sure about the advance booking, dod. i may be going around north island a bit before settling in kerikeri.

maybe you should give me the details of the sony?

verily i am the font of all knowledge. if i remumber correctly you also gave some one a banana skin or something which he ate with relish. or did i dream it.

i’m in rakaroa. its raining. alot. doesn’t seem to be much in the way of things to do here. maybe i’ll go to the gym or something. all dolphin stuff cancled, lucky i didn’t book it.

warcraft 3 is quite good by the way, and i must confess i found counterstrike quite addictive. super monkey ball jr was in the shops for 20 quid! forgot to get it though.

hmm, just had an interesting experiance i thought i might share. decided to have fish and chips for lunch and in a fit of madness got them from some random kiosk in the street. like something from ford market. oddly enough the chips were revolting and the thing humerously called “fish” was diseased and fetid. any way as i was retching i noticed a clearly demented drewling homeless person lurching towards me. hell i said to myself desperatly looking for escape. i made a leap for a near by dustbin to dispose of the rest of my “lunch” but he showd a amazing turn of speed and court up with me. he said something and presented a mildly twitching hand, at that momant i would rather have eaten my own limbs then shake hands with him but i did anyway. unplesantly warm and moist. this chap had a bit of trouble speaking but i managed to get the gist. it seemed he hadn’t eaten for a for days he didn’t do drugs anymore and could sir possibly give him $4 until next payday. i was skeptical as someone had pulled a simmilar thing on me in nelson. but as i contimplated i moved to throw my refuse into the bin, i was arrested by a sudden twitch from the bloke. you want this?! i asked, incredulous. yuth sir, he replied relieving me of the package and stuffing his face. seeing the evidence of his hunger i slipped him a couple of dollors and we parted on good terms.